Reevesey's recommended reading

Saturday 8 August 2009

Twitter, twitter, twitter

We have all become obsessed with it and it was only when we didn't have it on Thursday/Friday we all realised it - although I have UberTwitter back, Twitter itself is still not quite right.

What was funny for me was not only the realisation that I had sort of become addicted to it but watching the volumes of folk rush back to Facebook to realise that Facebook had also been buggered.

I have to be honest initially I signed up and wasn't really that bothered but now I use, Tweetburner, UberTwitter, Tweetdeck, Twitter, TwitterBerry etc etc

I actually quite enjoy using it and I never tie my messages to Facebook, if I change my status on Facebook it reads very different to my Tweets.

Since I have lived in Scotland I have tweeted a lot more and am really impressed by the sheer volume of my colleagues and friends within the Lib Dems who are active on Twitter. Here are just a few of my favourites in Scotland.

@willierenniemp @mooremichaelk @dannyalexander


@tavishscott @jimhumemsp

@cdundas @katdn7

@andyreeves @caronmlindsay @cleslie92 @stephenpglenn @ruaraidhdobson

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Naughty, naughty Andrew! How could you publish an MPs list that doesn't include the one who tweets most and was commended for her use of social networking last week, @joswinson?

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