Reevesey's recommended reading

Monday, 8 October 2007

Must do better - cheers Gordon

Well, as most of you know I didn't end up doing the Great North Run 2007, and have deferred to next year - because from just before conference to last week I was much busier dealing with a potential general election etc that my training was non existent.

So, now I need to get back into shape, stay focussed on weightwatchers and get ready properly.

This weekend has been slightly bizarre and the atmosphere today at work is weird by any stretch of the imagination.

I have been calling suppliers today to see how and why things have changed but then I remembered the occasion when I went to see a supplier earlier in the year (see the picture on the right!), I suspect it will be the nearest I come to seeing my name up in lights.
I have also decided now to blog a little more often rather than just my running so get ready for more......

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