Reevesey's recommended reading

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

More postings please

Apparently, my blog, since moving North of the border has gained readers.

Not only that, my readers are apparently complaining - complaining I tell you.

I am not updating my blog enough, so here I am, twenty to eleven at night, chained to a desk in Clifton Terrace, home of the Scottish Liberal Democrats, RISOing petition slips for Harry Wills (Lib Dem candidate in the Glenothes by-election).

The slips are printed, the campaign is gaining momentum, another bus load of our fantastic MSPs in again this evening, with more promised tomorrow.

So - on that note, at the end of another amazing day on the campaign trail, I am off home.

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Strictly Come Dancing

Oh my god - its awesome.

Another great series coming up!

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

We cleaned your keyboard today

Hi readers,

I hope you're all well?

I sat at my desk at Holyrood today (its okay, I'm not breaking the Official Secrets Act) and there is a tiny piece of paper saying "your keyboard has been cleaned today".

That's a great use of our tax Alex!!

I think I'd notice anyhow.

Saturday, 20 September 2008

My commute

Babbling brooks, rolling hills, swathes of pine trees, forests of green.

This is my commute.

Sheep and cows, eating and sitting.

This is my commute.

Birds flying, deer sunbathing, cows chewing, sheep baa, trains speeding.

This is my commute.

Fields of green, hay and brown, working farms, derelict farms and the odd castle on the horizon.

This is my commute.

Inverurie, Insch, Huntly and Keith.

This is my commute.

Fields fllooded, streams flowing, trees swaying, hills for miles.

This is my commute.

Sun shining, clouds fluffy, hay drying, people smiling.

Yes, this is my commute - but people still wonder, "do you miss London?"

How could I?

Deep fried breakfast, a man dressed as a banana and Harry Potter

Now, I'm annoyed today. Not with everything, I'm sat at Inverurie station waiting for the Inverness train, in the beautiful sunshine.

I was up early this morning artworking some surveys and target letters with the news on in the background - J K Rowling has given the Labour party one million pounds - why? I shouted at the tv, no point love, you'll have a Lib Dem MP where you live after the election!

I'm so annoyed, do these celebrities not listen? Liberal Democrats spend their money much better than the other parties - so give it to us!!!!

Right, rant number 2 coming now.

Deep fried breakfast - deep fried lorne sausage, deep fried bacon, fried bread (obviously), deep fried mushrooms and a fried egg. No toast! But, I did get the next beat thing to coco pops, which is crunchy nut cornflakes.

Come on Kintore Arms Hotel, get your breakfast sorted.

Finally, for now whilst walking down the High Street to Inverurie Station there was a young guy sat at the bus stop, dressed as a banana.

welcome to Aberdeenshire....

Friday, 19 September 2008

And another train journey

So, a good mornings work on raising the game for the Scottish Lib Dem Conference, then a fantastic positive meeting about East Lothian then jumped on the train;

First stop, Markinch to drop off some supplies and a quick handover, then I'm off to Inverurie for a meeting.

I will stay the night at the Kintore Arms Hotwl on High Street - this is the hotel where last year I had Lorne sausage for the 1st time - before heading off to Inverness in the morning for a Lib Dem conference.

Although todays journey is 3 hours, what beautiful countryside, so you don't really notice the time.

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

A great week for the Liberal Democrats

Wow - where did that week of my life just disappear?

Well, to my regular readers, I will try and explain.

I set off last Thursday from Edinburgh, armed with my suitcase, laptop, carrier bag, man bag and a giant 4 foot cheque heading for Bournemouth.

10pm Thursday was a campaigns department meeting, we are all there, buzzing, in high spirits and looking forwards to a great week.

Friday is the start of the working week, with back to back training sessions, briefings, meetings and receptions but, we are working so the average day is 8.15am to 10pm, if you're lucky you get lunch, if you're really lucky you get dinner.

However, you know you're not really lucky when in a meeting other people in the room can here your stomach growling - whoops!

This has been my first conference as a Deputy Director and whilst great fun, also knackering lol.

Tavish Scott did an awesome speech on Sunday morning,

Some great coverage for Team Scotland this week and I was proud to be part of the largest contingent ever sent, and still we fought in Fife for the people affected by Brown's government decisions.

Don't write off the Liberal Democrats, we are back and ready.

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Rude Londoners

Oh how quick I've gone native and turned my back on my 8 years in London.

I arrived in Kings Cross and no on moves, they stand stubbornly guarding their spot.

It was the same in Waterloo.

I don't miss Londoners (the majority), I do however miss my friends and family.

Loving it large

The train was 9 minutes late!

There's nowhere for my normal luggage, and my oversized luggage, well that's a whole different story.

The child on my right won't stop humming.

The lady in front of me is eating her crisps with her mouth open.

What a piggin journey this is going to be!!!!!


Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Conference Cat

As Roger points out, my blog should be renamed black & white cat blog, to compete with pink dog the only political blogging pink dog - some achievement I think you'll agree.

Anyhow, I've not long been in from work, I need to pack ready for conference, so I open the suitcase and dah dah....

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

I'm blogging

I am, I am also wondering and feeling for a friend who's having a bit of a tough time of it at the moment.

I'm tired, its official, I am looking forward to an evening off, although as well as being on cooking duty I will be stuffing envelopes (again).

I'm currently contemplating Markinch and realising election campaigns are fun, which is useful given I spent 5 months running the London campaign, then moved up to Scotland and went off to Glasgow East and now Glenrothes - I do love a challenge!!!

I now need to rent the flat in Dartford unless someone buys it this week - lol.

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Edinburgh by twilight

You can't help but love the view

Saturday, 6 September 2008

Musings from the Glenrothes campaign trail

Well, the Party Leaders are sorting out their visits to the constituency of Glenrothes.

Tavish Scott MSP, Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats was first there over a week ago, with a second visit this week.

Nick Clegg MP, Leader of the Liberal Democrats was the first UK leader to visit, where he launched a commuter campaign with Harry Wills.

Gordon Brown, the second UK leader did a secret back door visit yesterday.

And, bringing up the rear, in third place is Alex Salmond, who is only going today.

To be honest, that's where the SNP should be in a Westminster election.

In Fife, the elections for Westminster seats are very firmly between the out of touch Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats.

There are already two Lib Dem MPs in Fife, Ming Campbell and Willie Rennie. In fact, let us not forget that the last by-election in Fife was only two years ago, and was was won by the Liberal Democrats.

There is no point in the good people of Glenrothes electing an SNP MP, they hold no relevance in the House of Commons.

Their blatant arrogance is already apparent where they think they've already won.

Harry Wills is concerned that the local people have been let down massively by Brown's Labour government and they are being taken for granted by Salsmonds one issue party in Edinburgh.

Its time for change in Glenrothes, there is only one team fighting for Fife and that's the Scottish Liberal Democrats.

Thursday, 4 September 2008

First Party Leader to visit Glenrothes

Well, I'm delighted that the first Scottish Party Leader to visit the Glenrothes constituency was Tavish Scott MSP.

Tavish is back again today and bringing Nick Clegg MP, Leader of the Liberal Democrats along with him.

Nick and Tavish will be launching a campaign on rail fares, more later....

Nick Clegg is also lending his support to Harry Wills campaign to save the Post Office Card Account.

Wednesday, 3 September 2008


Little Zen finds the catnip despite being very blind - bless


Little Zen finds the catnip despite being very blind - bless

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Fantastic news from Lib Dem Leader Nick Clegg MP

Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg and his wife Miriam Gonzalez Durantez are very pleased to announce that they are expecting their third child in February.

Nick Clegg said: “Miriam and I are lucky to have two wonderful little boys, but we'd always hoped to have a third child. So we are thrilled to bits that next February, all being well, our sons will have a little brother or sister.”

What an absolute cheek!

The title says it all

Walking down Princes Street

What a view, I just wish I looked even half as fit!

Monday, 1 September 2008

Glenda Jackson MP

Double standards;

There is never a day goes by where I am somewhat surprised the Westminster Parliamentary Authroities are on this planet.

And here is Glenda Jackson, collating voting intention data on behalf of the Labour Party on a leaflet paid for by the House of Commons from the allowance that is used for communicating with electors.

Tavish Scott - a flying start indeed


Following his election last week as Scottish Liberal Democrat leader, Tavish Scott has appointed a campaigning team of spokespeople. Tavish Scott has charged all his team with campaigning outside the Holyrood bubble, raising the party’s profile and developing radical solutions to the issues facing people across Scotland. (Music to my ears).

Commenting on the appointments, Mr Scott said: “The Scottish Liberal Democrat parliamentary team are bright, energetic and forward-looking. I want the Liberal Democrats to be the most effective campaigning political party in Scotland. That’s why I am determined that we break through the Holyrood bubble and tackle the issues which matter to people in every part of Scotland.

“To make that happen each of the spokespeople I have appointed has been given an additional priority area to focus on. These priorities reflect the issues which are facing ordinary people across Scotland – from Shetland to Stranraer. I want the team campaigning across the country taking the Lib Dem message to the country. We will set the pace on campaigning across Scotland.”

The following MSPs have been appointed as spokespeople for the Scottish Liberal Democrats:

Spokesperson on Environment, Rural Development and Energy with special responsibility for policies to tackle fuel bills.
Liam McArthur MSP Deputy Spokesperson Jim Hume MSP.

Spokesperson on Economy and Finance with special responsibility for policies on reducing the cost of living. Jeremy Purvis MSP.

Spokesperson on Local Government and Transport with special responsibility for campaigning with local councils. Alison McInnes MSP Deputy Spokesperson Jim Tolson MSP.

Spokesperson on Health with special responsibility for policies on sustainable and affordable housing. Ross Finnie MSP Deputy Spokesperson Jamie Stone MSP.

Spokesperson on Education and Young People with special responsibility for policies to support Scottish students. Margaret Smith MSP Deputy Spokesperson Hugh O’Donnell MSP.

Spokesperson on Justice with special responsibility for promoting civil liberties.
Robert Brown MSP Deputy Spokesperson Mike Pringle MSP.

Spokesperson on Culture Iain Smith MSP.

Spokesperson on Gaelic Language and Deputy Convener of the Public Petitions Committee John Farquhar Munro MSP.

In addition to this Mike Rumbles MSP has been appointed as Liberal Democrat Business Manager and Chief Whip.

Iain Smith MSP will be the Liberal Democrat nominee for Convener of the Scottish Parliament’s Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee. Jamie Stone MSP will continue as the Convenor of Parliament’s Subordinate Legislation Committee
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