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Saturday 23 January 2010

Unison vs Labour then Unison funds Labour

I do find it slightly odd that the Trade Union, Unison, who are campaigning against the cuts to services that the Labour controlled Glasgow City Council are making will then in a few months give yet more money to the Labour Party to campaign in the General Election in Glasgow.

Surely, if Unison really cared about these jobs they would divert that money and instead of giving it to the Labour Party actually give it to the Council to protect jobs and services?

When I worked in Haringey, despite the Labour Council slashing services, spending £2270 on a TV for the then Council Leader and spending wasting millions of pounds on an IT scheme not fit for purpose, Trade Unions spent thousands and thousands of pounds writing to people in wards at risk from the Liberal Democrats.

It didn't help in most of the wards, we won them all bar one and were just 94 votes from taking control of the Council, on May 6th 2010, Haringey Council will become a Liberal Democrat run Council, of that I am very confident given the recent record of Labour there with Baby Peter.

Even one of Haringey's long serving Labour Councillors, Councillor Brian Haley who is also one of Britain's senior black Councillors has turned his back on Labour and defected to the Liberal Democrats.

So, if someone from Unison Scotland would like to explain to me and my little blogs readers why there appears to be this apparent hypocrisy in Union attitudes?

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