Reevesey's recommended reading

Saturday 11 July 2009

Clegg leads and then Cameron tries to follow

Nick Clegg showed he is a Leader this week by criticising the Governments lack of proper finance into our armed forced for the correct resources in Afghanistan.

Nicks argument is clearly not with the service men and women as they have the full support of Nick and the Liberal Democrats.

The Government were put on the back foot with Nick's attack and spent time on Thursday and Friday trying to combat it.

Today, catch-up-Cameron has said the troops need helicopters!

Doh - Nick said that back on Wednesday and Thursday and that they need better armour on the troop carriers and that personal kit needs to be better and ensure that all service men and women have the full kit and equipment they need.

Cameron doesn't like the fact Nick is catching him and out manoeuvring him!

Carry on Nick.

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